Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Online Backup - Who Can Access My Data?

In the previous post we looked at encryption systems for online backup services. We saw that the AES 256-bit encryption standard, used by the best online backup services such as Back Up Solutions, provides the highest possible level of security.

So what are the implications of this for backing up your own data? When you sign up to one of these online backup services, you are provided with a decryption key - a complex password - or you may be asked to compose your own. If you are provided with a key it will be computer-generated, and the staff at the online backup service will NOT have access to it. This means that NOBODY can access your data except yourself. You must of course find a secure place to keep your decryption password - probably NOT where you keep your computer - so that you can be sure you can find it when you need it, even if your computer is destroyed in a fire or some other disaster.

You may ask - what about hackers who may target the data center itself? It is generally agreed that the algorithm used for this level of encryption is sufficiently complex to make it virtually impossible for a hacker to break it. Remember that it is used by the US government to encrypt its TOP SECRET classified information!

But it does depend on you being very careful to make sure your key doesn't fall into the wrong hands!

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Online Backup - How is My Data Protected?

In an earlier post we discussed some worries that you might have about online backup. One question was - how can I be sure that my data is kept confidential? We briefly explained that any good online backup service will ENCRYPT your data.

If you look at the Back Up Solutions site you will see the statement "Our files are 256-bit AES encrypted before being uploaded." What on earth does this mean?

Well I am not a techie so I don't understand the technicalities of encryption algorithms, but AES stands for "Advanced Encryption Standard". It is a symmetric key encryption technique which was accredited by the US government as the standard to which all encryptions must comply. The US government has confirmed that AES is secure enough to protect classified information up to TOP SECRET level - that is, it is the standard which the government itself uses to protect its MOST SENSITIVE information!

The AES algorithm uses one of three cipher key strengths: 128-bit, 192-bit or 256-bit. The larger the number of "bits", the more complex the algorithm used to scramble the data, so the more difficult it is for a hacker to get in.

So the encryption level used by Back Up Solutions is the highest level of security you can get! If it's good enough for the US government to protect its most top-level secret information, it's probably good enough to protect your data and mine!

More about this in the next post.

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Online Backup - What's Cloud Storage?

If you've had a look at the Back Up Solutions web site, you'll have noticed that it describes itself as "online cloud storage". What does this mean?

Actually most web-based online backup services could be referred to as "cloud storage" systems. The term "cloud" is sometimes used as a metaphor for the whole Internet, based on the complex infrastructure it conceals. A diagram of any complex computer network could be made to look like a cloud. When you use any complex computer application, such as a blogging service like this, it is based on an incredibly complex structure of interacting computers and servers. But you don't see that - you just see the final result. That is, you log on to the blogging service, or clink a link to read the blog. Most of us never think of the complex infrastructure beneath all this.

Some computer users, particularly businesses, use "cloud data storage" INSTEAD of storing their data on their computer, rather than as a backup for data that's actually on the computer. This can be useful for users who have such large amounts of data that it would be hard to find enough space on a single hard drive.

But it's not always all that simple - more about this in the next post. Meanwhile don't forget to check out Back Up Solutions to find out more.

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Online Backup - Software Based Or Web Based?

An online backup service can be either software based, or web based. What's the difference?

If you are using a software-based backup system, you download the software program the service provides you with when you sign up, and install it on your computer. Then you administer your own backup by connecting to the server of the backup service.

With a web-based system, you don't install anything on your computer. The backup service will access your computer from its own server and perform the backup without you having to do anything.

Some people prefer the software-based system because they feel more in control. If you have your own software, you decide how and when you perform the backing up. It is used more by businesses, who employ specialized IT people. But of course, the main problem comes if your computer crashes! Then you can't access your software to access your data. Businesses who use this kind of system will install the software in more than one place.

If you are using a web-based online backup service, you can of course access your data from any computer, provided you have your password or ID. So if your computer has crashed completely and you get a new one, you can easily restore your files straight away. For this reason, more individuals and small businesses choose a web-based service such as Back Up Solutions. Check out their site to find out more.

Friday, 15 May 2009

Online Backup - Why Does It Have To Be Online?

Well of course it doesn't HAVE to be online. Before I started using online backup, I used to back up on CDs. Of course this is better than nothing, and it is really important that you DO back up in one way or another.

But now I am using online backup, I am finding it such a relief not to have to bother with this any more.

  • The process is very time-consuming and fiddly. The more files you have on your computer, the more time-consuming it is, as they probably won't all fit on one disk or even two.

  • I found that when I repeated the backup process, there was no way of identifying which files had been added since the last backup. So you have to do the whole lot each time, which is really a waste of time, effort and disks!!

  • You never know how long to leave it before doing it again. It's such a pain that the temptation is to leave it for a few weeks. But of course if the worst happened in the meantime, you would lose everything you had downloaded, and all the work you might have done in your word processor. So you have it hanging over you all the time.

  • Last but not least - where do you keep the disks containing your backed-up material? Near your computer? I always did - but of course if my computer had been destroyed in a fire or flood, the disks would have been destroyed as well! I can't think of anywhere I could have kept them, where they would have been safe from fire or flood.

What a relief it is now, to have an online backup service that works away in the background and backs up everything every day, without my having to do anything at all. Of course I believe that Back Up Solutions is the best service - but the important thing is that you use something. Otherwise you could be very, very sorry indeed!

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Online Backup - I Have Questions!

When you think about online backup, it seems a very abstract process which you can't really see. And you can't see the people who operate the service either. You may have all sorts of questions in your mind about how it works.

  • How do I know backup is taking place? Most online backup services provide an icon on your computer which you can click at any time. It will tell you whether backup for the day is pending, in progress, or complete. Sometimes it will say "Searching for files to back up"!

  • How do I know if files have been backed up? Usually files that have been backed up have a symbol on them to show that they have been backed up. The web site of the online backup service will tell you what to look for to see if the files are backed up or awaiting backup.

  • Will the backup get in my way? It won't get in your way at all. You may notice a humming from your computer while it is taking place, but it just works away in the background.

  • How do I know I can access my data? This is a very good question. Your best plan is to "accidentally" delete a file and see if you can retrieve it easily. It's also a good idea to log on to the service from another computer and see if you can easily access your data. You should do this during the guarantee period or free trial period.

There may be lots more questions you have - do ask. Peace of mind is the main reason for using a service like Back Up Solutions, and you need to have all your doubts put to rest.

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Online Backup - What Actually Happens?

If you're uncertain about deciding to use an online backup service, it may be because you're not sure what happens.

When you have chosen your online backup service, you will find a place on their site where you sign up. In most cases you won't need to provide much personal information - all they really need is your card details. You also need to provide a password which will be your key to accessing your data so keep it safe.

They will also provide you with a unique ID or order number. This won't usually be required as they recognize your computer, but you will need it if you access the service from a different computer.

If they are providing a free trial period, as most good services do, they will start backing up your files straight away, but they won't use your card details until the trial period is up. You can of course cancel before then, and pay nothing - but you won't have your files backed up, of course!

The initial online backup can take a few days. It can only happen when you are connected to the Internet, but don't worry if you need to switch off before it's finished - it will just carry on when you log back on again.

After this, the online backup service will scan your computer every day for new material to back up.

If you are concerned about finding a totally reliable online backup service, you really can't do much better than
Back Up Solutions - it ticks all the boxes to give you complete peaceof mind. Have a look at their site to find out more.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Backup Solutions - Make Sure You Get Support

Are you uneasy about using an online backup service because it seems impersonal? You feel as if you are entrusting your precious data to a sort of distant entity with no actual existence in reality? This is a very normal feeling. After all you wouldn't usually entrust something that was very private and personal to someone you didn't know.

Of course, any online backup service is actually run by real people! It's just that sometimes it doesn't FEEL that way. You are just given a number and instructed to go through some sort of prescribed process in order to get the backup in place.

One reason why this is so important to you is that you wonder what will happen if anything goes wrong. Will you get any support? Will you be able to contact anybody? It can be very frightening if something seems to have gone wrong with your backup and you can't find any way of asking questions or getting reassurance.

This is one of many reasons why I really like
Back Up Solutions. You know the names of the guys who run it right from the start and they are really friendly. You have the assurance right from the beginning that you are in safe hands. And their support is second to none.

But whatever online backup service you choose, you absolutely must ensure you find out about what support they offer, before you commit yourself. Click the link to find out more!

Monday, 11 May 2009

Backup Solutions - Where is the Storage Center?

There are a number of questions you need to ask before you choose which online backup service to use. Perhaps it may not have occurred to you that the location of the storage center should be one of them.

However, remember one thing, especially if you live in an area which occasionally experiences wild fires, earthquakes, or major flooding. In this time of climate change, such areas seem to be on the increase.

You hope it would never happen - but obviously if one of these awful events were to happen to you, you would almost certainly lose your computer and with it your data. Of course, this would not be your first concern at the time - but eventually you would be looking to set up your system once more, and retrieve your data. How frustrating it would be if your stored data had been destroyed in the same event, because the storage center was close to where you live!

Ideally, the further away from where you live, the better, as far as data storage and data recovery is concerned.
Back Up Solutions is very aware of this issue - backed up data is itself backed up and stored in different places. Not all online backup services do this - make sure you check carefully. More issues to check on in future posts.

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Online Backup - What About Data Recovery?

The whole point of using an online backup service is to ensure you could recover your data if you lost it.

However, when you sign up for a service, you wouldn't be human if you didn't have a few questions in your mind. How do I know that I would be able to recover my data? How do I know that these people aren't just taking my money without really providing the service? After all, if the worst happened and you did lose your data, it would be too late then to find that you couldn't get it back!

It is true that online backup services do differ a lot in the ease and speed of data recovery. Users of some services do experience delay and difficulty when trying to retrieve their files. For instance, some online backup services use a third party to store the files which they have backed up. If you lose your data, you have to wait till they can retrieve it from this source. In this situation, your data would actually be safe - you might just find the delay caused extra stress at a stressful time.

Other people find that some of their files are corrupted when they get them back. This can cause great dismay when you think you have paid to keep them safe.

However, don't forget that data recovery services aren't just for the entire contents of your hard drive. They are supposed to be there to help you to recover individual files if you lose them, or accidentally delete them.

So your best plan is - during the free trial or guarantee period - to delete a file that isn't too vital to you, and see how easy and quick it is to get it back. This will help you decide whether to continue with that particular online backup service.

You will find that
Back Up Solutions is a service that you can really rely on. But like all good services they have a cast-iron money-back guarantee period during which you can try everything out.

If you have more questions about
Back Up Solutions or about online backup generally, click on the link, or get in touch and ask. Also do share any experiences you have with online backup - good or bad!

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Online Backup – Is My Data Secure?

There are a lot of questions you may have about online backup. One of the biggest questions people have is: Who will have access to my data?

This is a very natural question. After all, you don't know these people, yet you are trusting them with your precious data. It may include personal information, such as your bank details, and other information that could help somebody steal your identity. Or it may include highly confidential information about your business.

This is a question you must ask the online backup service before you sign up with them. You do hear rumors about online backup services accessing people's data and using it for marketing purposes.

A good online backup service will always encrypt your data BEFORE storing it. You will have a decryption key which only you can use - it will usually consist of a password YOU have chosen. This means that only you can access your data - nobody else can access it, INCLUDING the online backup service itself.

Of course, it's a good idea to make sure that you can access your own files - preferably BEFORE a disaster strikes! Log on to the website of the service - from a different computer if you like, since you will need to get at your files when your own computer is out of action. See how easy it is to access your information. If your service provides a free trial period or a guarantee period, which it should, do it during this period and if you're not satisfied, use another service.

Back Up Solutions is a service you can be really sure of. Find out more about online backup if you would like to feel fully protected and have peace of mind.

Friday, 8 May 2009

What is Online Backup?

Online Backup is simply a process of sending the data on your computer to be stored on the server of the backup company. It does away with the need to spend time backing up your data on CDs or DVDs, and also does away with the problem of where to store the CDs or DVDs when you've done them!

Using an online backup service takes up virtually no time at all. And it requires no technical knowledge on your part whatsoever. Once you've signed up with the online backup service, they do all the work. It doesn't get in the way of the work you're doing on your computer and most of the time you don't realize it's happening.

When you sign up with an online backup service, they provide you with your unique ID - usually a password you've chosen yourself. This is your key to retrieving your data. Then they start backing up all the files on your computer. This can take several days depending on how many files you have. Once they have completed this, they scan your computer every day for new files to back up. They provide an icon on your desktop so you can click at any time to check if the backup for that day has been done.

You probably have lots of questions and many of these will be dealt with in future posts - but do contact me with any particular questions you have. Meanwhile find out more here about
online backup. And try Back Up Solutions for the best online backup service available.